Screen Capture on 2024-04-22 at 14-31-53 (1)
πŸš€ Simplified Main Navigation:
We've refined our navigation bar, prominently featuring only the most essential sections: Funnels, Products, Customers, and Marketing. This focused approach helps streamline your workflow and keep your most-used tools accessible.
βž• Add an App:
We've introduced this new feature to streamline your ClickFunnels navigation by focusing on the features you use most. This design lets you activate additional functionality on our platform whenever you're ready to use it, keeping your navigation clean and tailored to your current needs.
πŸ–ŒοΈ Modern Design:
Alongside our navigation improvements, we’ve implemented a modern, clean design across the platform. The new layout reduces visual clutter, making it easier to focus and navigate. We've also integrated color coding within this design, helping you quickly identify and access different tools and sections.
πŸ‘£ Breadcrumbs:
To improve your ability to navigate the app and understand your current location, we’ve added breadcrumbs. This feature is especially useful for easily tracking your steps back to earlier points without the need for complex navigation.
βš™οΈ Navigation Adjustments:
We've strategically placed the workspace switcher and team settings at the bottom left, streamlining your workspace management and making adjustments intuitive and straightforward.
These updates are designed to make your ClickFunnels experience more personalized and less overwhelming, allowing you to focus on the tools that matter most to you. Explore the new design and features to see how they can transform your workflow and productivity!