Across the full app:
Image Gallery Improvement
Improved the experience for customers selecting stock images by adding helper text saying “add image” when a user hovers over an image. This makes the experience more predictable for users.Screencast at February 28th 2023 - 11
Product creation
Enhanced the product creation process for one-time and subscription products, so it’s easier and faster for users to create products.
Screen Capture on 2023-03-06 at 16-45-47
Payment method management
Users can now view and manage the subscription payment method directly on their customer’s order.
Success/Decline/Failed Transactions
On the All Payments tab, users can now see, sort, and filter by decline responses, so they can better understand why transactions fail.
Continued to enhance the payment transactions table on the “All Payments” tab so it’s even easier for users to glean insights from their payments and orders.
On the subscription order page under “manage subscription”, we’ve added the ability to update the renewal date of a subscription.
Enhanced the styles index page so users can easily sort by their most recent styles, see when styles were last updated, and see what theme(s) or page(s) are using a particular style
Screencast at February 28th 2023 - 10
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where delay steps could not be edited via the "Step settings" link in the workflow builder.
Fixed an intermittent bug where email opt-in stats and orders stats were not displaying accurately when filtering by date.
Fixed a bug where re-activating a subscription that was linked to a course did not restore course access. Now it does.
Fixed a bug where, on subscription product creation, clicking the “Later” button to create a product price at a later date would set the product price to $0.
Fixed a bug where videos were overlapping sticky sections, which was making them display oddly.
Fixed an intermittent bug where the color picker was not displaying correctly inside of the Style Guide Editor. Now it does.
Fixed a bug where clicking on the “Edit Template” button in the blog Editor did not take the user to the blog template page. Now it does.
Fixed a bug with blog posts not displaying their associated categories and authors when put inside a “Post Collection” element.
Fixed a bug where the payment gateway configuration error was appearing in the Editor whenever a checkout element was added, even for users who had already configured their payment gateway.
Fixed a bug where the flash message was displaying incorrectly after bulk running a workflow. Now it is shown in the right location.
Fixed a bug where users were unable to use “Filter” on the Blog index page.
Fixed a bug with the Contact Profile element not behaving as expected in the Customer Center when a customer signs up and visits the page for the first time.
Fixed a bug where the Funnel Steps Map was difficult to scroll and showed the incorrect active page
Fixed a bug in marketing settings, where new email addresses would not show up in the list of “from” email address options unless the page was refreshed
Fixed a bug where the “Recently Used Emails” sub-tab under “Email Templates” was not displaying any shared templates.
Fixed a bug where pagination wasn’t working as expected in the pages modal for opt-in pages.