When Optin, Send Email Notification (To any email address)
Martin Vasquez
Have the ability to send email notifications when someone opts in, with the contacts information, just like in CF classic
John Orton
NOTIFY should allow an email to ANY email address, not just CF users. This is a small thing but has major benefits. I can't understand why it was dropped from 1.0 to 2.0?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Adding external email notifications & workflows
Shakur Mckinney
We need to be able to connect email notifications to funnels in Clickfunnels 2.0. This was a simple feature in CF 1.0 however as of now it cant be done in 2.0
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Funnel Hackers! Quick update... I just double checked this feature and it is not yet a built out feature. We will be sure to keep this open for our dev team to review.
Richard Console
Yes please! This a feature we relied on to receive lead data with each submission. It isn't practical for us to use Zapier for the hundreds of campaigns we set up. Would love to have this back.
Martin Vasquez
Hi! I don't see the change in the Workflow 'editor', there is only a notification to send to memebers of your team, and also it requires that the team member access CF2.0 to see the information. In CF1.0 you received the notification (to any email that I wanted, not a team member) and all the information of the contact
Dennis Gerolymatos
Martin Vasquez: yep I agree
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
User can now use workflows to send email notifications. Workflows can also be trigged based on optins.
These two things in combination can be used to send email notification anytime someone opt-ins to a funnel.
Martin Vasquez
Hugh (Product Support Manager): Hi! There is an option the send email notifications when contact opts in but only to team members. My request was based on sending email notifications to any email address that I chose with the information of the contact (just as it is working on CF1.0). That is why I dont understand why you marked this request as "complete". There isnt any change. Thank you :)
John Orton
Hugh (Product Support Manager) Yes - ANY email address. I have suppliers who need to be notified of a purchase or a problem etc.
James Lee
totally agree, this is so important...
Keith Christensen
under review