Make all edits done in mobile view mobile only
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
When making any edit inside the editor, if the editor is in mobile view make that edit affect only the mobile version of the page.
Annemarie LaTulip
THis would be AMAZING
so much needed!!
Johan Carlberger
Yeah totally agree - this is pretty much standard on any other more professional website builder like Webflow
Matt Zimmerman
1000% agree. CF needs a way to set mobile CSS settings different than desktop. Critical feature.
Vikram Jain
Merged in a post:
Mobile editors
Vivek Singh
It's good to have few mobile edit options like font size. But there is need for more like padding in mobile , image size in mobile, button size in mobile. These are very essential for optimized mobile page.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Desktop/Mobile Design Lock
Andrea Alestrand
A button with the option to lock when you want the design not to change on desktop when you are adjusting the mobile view and vice versa (please 😊)
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
When editing in mobile view automatically make edits mobile only
Samuel Peiffer
It would be amazing if edits you perform on mobile are mobile only like in almost every wordpress page builder.
For example spacing I put in CF on elements are both the same in desktop & mobile. If I want to change spacing on mobile I need to duplicate rows and disable them on desktop. Same for font sizes. For example sometimes I want top spacing of elements 60px on desktop but 10-20px on mobile. Very confusing to do that right now..
I did a loom to show you exactly what I mean.
Tye Hillam
I strongly second this feature request. Edits in mobile view shouldn't affect how the page/funnel displays in desktop.
Samuel Peiffer Yes, thanks for letting us know about this. Great recommendation I'll pass this along to our Editor team.
Christian Finger
Jimmy: please also include mobile-only settings for IMAGE WIDTH. That's another important element that needs mobile-only resizing options.