Import Blog Posts
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Create a tool to allow users to upload blog posts so new posts can be created in bulk.
Tim Hewitt
Barnum PT could be extended to do this fairly easily, as the destination has virtually all of the same elements as a funnel page...
I have over 400 blog posts I'd like to migrate from GHL and it looks like I'm going to have to hire and train a VA to do this.
Dave Larson
Any news on this? We have a client with 79 blog posts, and an import utility would come in handy.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Jared Rhodenizer
Please add this. We have a ton of blog posts on wordpress.
Sil Kogelman
Not only valuable as a one-time-bulk import tool (for migrations), but also valuable as part of the content creation workflow:
We (co-)write blog articles in Notion, then when the article is finished like to publish to a CF 2.0 blog.
Why this workflow?
The CF 2.0 drag & drop editor is great for Funnel pages, landing pages, website pages etc, but blog writing (researching, drafting, editing, finalizing) (in Markdown) in Notion is 10x more productive. (And manual migration to CF blog is a productivity killer.)
P.S. I’m going post a feature request for a CF 2.0 Drag & Drop editor productivity feature addition with Markdown and / key to add elements soon :)
Darrell Stetler II
Most definitely want this feature. I've got 242 posts currently on my Wix blog. I would LOVE to merge it all in one new place!!!!!
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Chandler Woodward
I'm currently using beehiiv to send out neswletter and they create an rss feed. The ability to import this rss feed into my blog on cf 2.0 so that they are automatically brought into my blog as draft posts and all I would need to do is change a little of the design to fit clickfunnels.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Import blog posts
Dave Larson
Add ability to import existing blogs
Dominika Elle
Yes please!! Struggling with this right now.