Fix average cart value (current ACV is not a meaningful number)
in progress
Gene Monterastelli
Right now the average cart value is not calculated in a useful way. If I have a $197 product and then a $100 on the OTO page. In my mind that is one purchase from one client with one visit to the funnel. Therefore the average cart value should be $297 for this purchase.
Right now CF treats the offer and OTO as separate carts and calculates the ACV as $148.50 because it sees this one transaction as two.
This makes the ACV number completely meaningless.
It would be great if as the customer moves through the funnel it was one cart value
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
in progress
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Gene Monterastelli Thank you for your feedback and adding this request. I totally agree with you. That's a great suggestion! Thank you for bringing this topic up. We'll be sure to keep this open for our dev team for review.