Exclusive or Locked Blog
Jen Rodriguez
Add an option to have a locked or exclusive blog that can only be accessed by subscribers.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Allow Paid Subscription for Blog Content
Jaron Mitchell
It will be cool if we allow user to pay for blog content. I will like love to have this me creating Web comics or web novels. I could use website like webtoons, Tapas or Wattpad however I will like to use my own branded website where I have more control. It does not have to be for what I am asking about but other blog articles. So our users can paid a subscription for that content.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Products to include Blogs (Exclusive Access)
Jake Wood
Allow Blogs Access to be part of a Product - not viewable to the general public
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Jen Rodriguez Thank you for your feedback and adding this request. That's a great suggestion! I'll be sure to keep this open for our dev team for review.
Harry Luk
if they didn't log in (or opt-in) yet, then show the opt-in form when they are trying to access to blog/page
else, show the page/blog content
Tyson Zimmer
It would be cool if you could have a product requirement or an option to have a premium blog setup too on top of this (: