I've been deep in the course code creating features that I wanted to exist, and I am shocked at how much useless code is left over. There is a full blown contact info submit form just sitting there... DOING NOTHING... followed by a countdown timer, a webinar loading scroll wheel and like 4 other things have have nothing to do with a course.
I'm already shocked at how slow the load times are inside of the courses, but it absolutely makes sense why the load times are so long... because there is so so so many useless things that have to load in, when there is no reason for them to be there.
Also, it pulls in all the code from the "styles" which is a TON of data that just wastes time. Especially when you don't use the "styles" in the first place.
Anyways. There is SO MUCH inside of the course code that really really doesn't need to be there. Please clean it up.