Community & Learning Hub App
under review
Camille Plews
I know this is a big one but loving the community and the way it looks like Circle ... how amazing would it be if our clients could download an app and interact with one another like how Circle works... and we get notifications too - this would be awesome! :)
chaz moore
Its alot easier to log into skool to watch my courses than login via the browser. browser makes the notifications really bad. Having a dedicated app makes being part of a community much easier.
Jessica Paxton
Yes, an app (similar to Skool) would be amazing!!
Michael Ruiz
Yes we really need this!!
Randy Peck
I think the main thing is notifications, and apps are the way people are used to seeing notifications. But email works too.
I'd love an app, but robust email notification settings, where users can set their notification preferences beyond just a "digest" email. Frequency and triggers for email notifications would be a step in the right direction if CF doesn't want to develop a standalone community app. I can imagine dealing with the cross-platform nature of that problem is a big constraint, so good email notifications would totally satisfy this for me personally.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Randy Peck: Thanks for your feedback and insight. I have to agree with you on this one. If you'd like, you can upvote this request on improving the community notifications system
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Can you please add possibility to watch the digital products through App that client installs on his smartphone
Petar Goryalov
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
Jon Gunzel
I agree, its not only nice, I would argue a requirement to effectivly use the community feature. This is a big one to all of us.
Malia Burcham
Agreed. It needs to function similar to apps like, Discord, Slack, etc... Could be apart of an all in one ClickFunnels app, but I think it would be great to have it on it's own.
Camille Plews
it would also be great to have embedded videos in the community - and to reply to comments with images too - thank you x
Daniel L
Merged in a post:
Notifications for comments, @mentions, etc
Joe Pomeroy
Notifications related to posts, comments, @mentions (another feature needed) within a community are only visible when logged in. Would help to have options such as email, phone, or other type of notification so people know when someone engages with them and to remind them to engage.
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