Bug: sitemap.xml contains URLs from multiple domains
Christopher Sutton
If you have multiple Domains defined then URLs belonging to the Site seem to appear in all domains' sitemaps, even if they don't exist on that domain. This makes the sitemap.xml invalid and it won't be accepted by e.g. Google Search Console.
Example: Your Workspace has two domains configured: A.com and B.com. If the Site is configured to live on A.com then the Blog home page (which apparently can't be disabled or removed from the sitemap - I've filed a separate feature request for that) at A.com/blog will appear in both A.com/sitemap.xml and B.com/sitemap.xml.
This entry of A.com/blog is invalid in a B.com/sitemap.xml as the sitemap must only contain URLs from its own domain.
This seems like a small but fundamental bug in how the sitemaps are generated, and is disappointing given that CF2.0 was meant to be "great for SEO".
(Support ticket #3611389 has details of the specific case encountered on our account)