An app for Messagehub
Abraham Salazar
An app for Messagehub, so that we could receive push notifications each time someone writes us.
Jason SIN
Yes. I agree. There is no point if we cannot give the attention our clients need immediately. This can be easily missed out.
Michael Ruiz
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst), is this app also going to be used for our customers to access their customer center, courses, communities, etc?
Martin Oswald
A mobile app would add so much more value to this (already great) feature!
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
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Kole Finley
I'm using Message Hub for my communications with my leads and clients. I've integrated my Twilio for text messaging. Currently, the only way I can see if someone has messaged me or returned a message from me is through the notifications at the bottom of the screen when I am on my computer. I'd love an iphone app for Message Hub that sends me notifications on my phone when I receive a new message. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use that app to respond to and send messages.
Mira Mclean
Yes, I totally agree. MessageHub really needs to be mobile friendly. I see that it is planned. Any idea on timing for that?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Message Hub App
Malia Burcham
We need an app to manage texting and communicating with contacts on the go. Could be apart of an all in one ClickFunnels app, but I think it would be great to have it on it's own. Think Google Drive app as CF main control vs Google Docs app as Message Hub.
Gregory Dakins
Agreed! Message Hub app to respond to messages from my phone would be incredible!
Jon Gunzel
I believe this could easily be done with the Chatwoot app since that appears to be what MessageHub is based on. There has to be a way to connect it with an API key or something. Either way, for MessageHub to be truly valuable, it has to be made mobile friendly.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
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