Ability to Delete Team members
under review
Odera Ume Ezeoke
permanently delete former team members. There's no need to keep a persistent list of former team members after they're removed from the team. Please enable permanent deletion.
Jessy Southard
Yes, definitely need to be able to delete removed team members. And to choose which team members show up as possible assignees, as not everyone with access is assignable.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
Keith Christensen
Merged in a post:
Ability to Rename Collaborators or Delete Collaborators from the List!
Diogo Costa Reis
Since I work with many freelancers for one-time jobs and also given the fact that for whatever reason I have to add dozens of different ClickFunnels support agents as collaborators to my account so they can actually help me... my collaborator list has become a nightmare to sort through. It's super messy and I want to permanently delete collaborators from the list. I also just accidentally gave the wrong name to a collaborator I just added and realized I can't change their name! This has to be fixed!
Diogo Costa Reis
Just to clarify: I know I can delete the ACTIVE collaborators from my account. But there's no way to delete them permanently from the collaborator list that I have to sort through every time I want to add a new collaborator to my account
Diogo Costa Reis
This should be an easy fix but please actually take it seriously because this is actually extremely annoying, frustrating, and time consuming. I want to have an organized ClickFunnels account since this is the center of my business and simple things like this make a difference. Anyone who works with freelancers, clickfunnels support agents, and team members will face this headache and it only gets worse over time as the list gets bigger and bigger even though most freelancers are only added for quick, one time jobs.