Ability To Choose If Login Page Defaults To Magic Link or Password
under review
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Allow users to specify if the login page there customers use should default to showing the magic link option or the option to login with a password.
Diogo Costa Reis
Everyone hates using the magic link. Please fix this!
Fix this please!
Brye Sargent
I hate the magic link and would love the option to turn it off. I struggle with it myself logging into my CF account and now the new PrimeMover.com account. And if you try to do it from your phone, it won't open it the browser and won't log you in. So I have to hold the button and select "open in Safari" and I know that my students would not know to do that.
Dustin NcCorchuk
I wanted to add a video I had with my customer showing how difficult it is for users to login using the magic link....and create an account isnt working for my customers either. I have had nothing but trouble from my customers not being able to login or create an account and its really frustrating when you can't fulfill what people just paid for. Here's the video showing what my customers are stuggling with: https://www.loom.com/share/59b821f63da74070a3b38b706cbdff4e?sid=05021260-dea7-48d4-9546-df2ac9f38c22
Thinlicious Team
Yes PLEASE fix this ASAP. This is a HUGE pain and leads to a lot of CS issues. If we had the option for them to turn it on if they want but to START with password then that would be perfect for us.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Login Difficulty for my Customers
Dustin NcCorchuk
Guys, I am really frustrated with the login process. I'm guessing with the magic link you're trying to make things easier, but I have had nothing but trouble with it. I am just getting my course sales started and have only sold about 30 courses at this point. I would say at least 50% of those have emailed asking for help to login and several have asked for a refund because the they get frustrated trying to login each time they want to use the course. I have created a video that I put on my thankyou page giving the step by step process of logging in using the magic link or creating an account. This is still too confusing for my customers. Sometimes the magic link goes into their spam folder, so they think it isnt working. Then they reach out to me thinking they've been scammed. Some have contacted their credit card company saying they've been scammed. The whole process seems like it should be easy, but it has been a terrible mess for my business.
Each time they try to login they try to use the magic link. Sometimes they get an error message saying they can't login with that email. Sometimes the magic link goes to spam and they dont know it. So they can't login. They get frustrated, give up, ask for a refund. I can't run a course business if the clickfunnels login process is difficult for my customers. I never had this problem when I used Kajabi. Can't we go back to the old days where immediately when they purchase, they create their own password. I see someone below requested to have the ability to choose a login page or magic link as the default login process. that would be nice.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
Craig Etkin
I need the Magic Link or 2FA to keep my customers from sharing login info with noncustomers. It would be good to have it as a setting for us to have the option to use Magic Link, 2FA, or just username/password options
Emiliano Gomide
Hello ClickFunnels Team, please please, can we have a normal login page where the user logs in with their email and a password (just like every other website)? My customers are having problem with the current login process. They can't log in! First, the ClickFunnels email is landing on their Junk box. Second, when the customer finds the email and click on the link, they are taken to a page that requests a password (which obviously they don't have). Then, the customer tries clicking on "Request magic link", but nothing happens (the customer does not receive any magic link on their email). This is exhausting. And it doesn't make any sense. If this isn't solved, I will need to move my course to another platform, unfortunately, because if my customers can't access the course they bought, I have to refund them. And another obvious problem is that the first email my new customers receive from me has the ClickFunnels logo, instead of my logo - and I can't change that.
Dustin NcCorchuk
Emiliano Gomide this has been my experience. it goes to their spam folder. Or the login page says their email isnt recognized. It just needs to work, and it doesnt, and I have given so many refunds for this login issue. I can't run a business this way.
Emiliano Gomide
Dustin NcCorchuk what blows my mind is that this problem shouldn't even exist in the first place. ClickFunnels should simply ask people to create a username and password, and if people forget their password, they can just click "I forgot my password" which lets them change their password. Absolutely every single website on Earth does that. Why does CF have to be different?
Rob CFTest
on top of this, the default email that goes out with every magic like has a huge Clickfunnels header! Which you can't remove. Unless the user knows you are on a Clickfunnels site they are not going to click that link because it looks suspicious. I can't believe this made it to the live site.
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